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Blog tours and initial reviews for Life as a Teenage Vampire

With the successful launch of my new book, Life as a Teenage Vampire, the start of my first blog tour is now underway with Bewitching Blog Tours.

I mentioned last week how important I think blog tours are for spreading the word about new titles, and the next step of course is to promote each stop and remember to thank the sites who offered your book the chance to shine.

Today starts with an interview at Ramblings of a Coffee Addictive Writer. And what fun questions! When you do a lot of interviews for a book release, sometimes the questions can get repetitive, because generally people want to know similar things, so I always appreciate when they ask some questions I haven't seen before.

Here's as example:

Do you read reviews of your books? If so, do you pay any attention to them, or let them influence your writing?

I do. It can be tough sometimes when you encounter something negative, but I think it’s important to take the risk of encountering trolls to see 1) the really positive comments that can make your day, and 2) the constructive criticisms that help improve your writing for the next book.

Read the rest of the interview HERE.

You can also sign up for the blog tour raffle, giving you a chance to win one of three free eBook copies.

I've also already had a slew of reviews for this new title, some from early access eBook copies I sent out, some early reviewers from blog tour stops coming up, but one in particular really touched me when it went up this weekend on Goodreads. Here's an excerpt:

As someone with a disability, one of the main characters being differently abled is a very welcome addition, as is how the character is crafted - his disability is not the most interesting or important thing about him. It doesn't somehow drive the plot, it just is a simple part of him, and it affects his life in an extremely realistic manner, in a story with fantastical elements. This was a personal highlight for me. Connor is just Connor who happens to require a prosthesis, and is in no way defined by it. he's just another kid, whose life is just a little different to someone without that disability.

I can't say enough how much it means to me to read a response like that. Read all of the reviews so far HERE.

So starting out strong and feeling pretty amazing with the reception the book has had so far, even from people I met at my events this past weekend, Gaylaxicon and Fall Con in Minneapolis, with people who bought the book one day, stopping by the next day to say they are already loving it.

More to come!

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