I’m doomed to chilly weather for all my events this year, it seems, because it was rainy and cool at Fall Con at the MN State Fair Grounds but still a wonderful time.
This event, the one-day wonder, as they call it, since it’s the single-day version of the two-day MSP ComiCon in the Spring, is put on by the MCBA (Midwest Comic Book Association) and just a joy every time.
I had the pleasure of sharing table space with Brass Marionette for the second time, who made a kickass Linda Belcher.
The Education center at the fair grounds was filled with creators showing off their art, stories, and crafts alike. It was great to see old and new fans, and I hope that those of you who couldn’t stop by can attend one or all three days of the upcoming Galaxy Con at the Minneapolis Convention Center on November 8-10.
I will be about center front of the creator section once you’ve entered the building, and you’ll either find me in the Ms. Marvel costume I wore at Fall Con, my blue Next Gen Starfleet uniform in honor of Jonathan Frakes being there (Riker!), or look for the sexy merman sign. ^_-
I’d also like to welcome fans to join my private author group on Facebook. I post four days a week, mostly small snippets about current and future works, and try to get conversations going with fans and fellow writers. I’d love to see you there or in person at Galaxy Con.
Stay tuned for more!