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Autumn Adventures for Gay Romance in Minnesota

I had a great time at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival on a cold and rainy weekend. It was their Wine, Chocolate & Romance weekend, so I figured I’d throw my hat in to be a guest in the theme weekend events section. Even tucked into the back with that less than perfect weather, I sold several book bundles.

Thank you to everyone who stopped by!

For those who don’t know, while my books are available as both paperbacks and eBooks online, I of course sign any copies I sell in person at events, but I also do series bundle pricing with a certain amount off, remove tax for anyone who purchases more than one book, and have a very nice discount if people purchase the whole lot of my titles.

I have a few more events coming up. Next is Fall Con at the MN State Fairgrounds on October 5, 2019, which is a great event for creators, including comic artists, other authors, and just a fun time with costumes all around. Then there’s Galaxy Con at the Minneapolis Convention Center (which is a new event) November 8-10th.

That one is a larger comic con type with celebrity guests (I need autographs and/or photos from Jonathan Frakes, John Wesley Shipp, and David Tenant), and I’ll have three whole days to dress up and enjoy the con while selling books.

If anyone is in my area or close enough to make the trip, check out those events and looks for me!

My upcoming releases (Interpretive Hearts on November 19th and After Vertigo on December 10th) won’t be ready in time for these shows, but they will be for Spring Con next May and are available for pre-order.

Aand honestly, if anyone who can’t attend a show wants to hit me up for a signed physical copy, I might be able to work something out. ^_^

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